Thursday, December 23, 2010


I woke up today .. in the afternoon .. I realized this is the longest sleep I've ever had in the last 4 weeks .. I also realized that the last thing I was doing before I close my eyes - and even after - was crying !!

let me tell u a story .. actually it's not a story, it's much more like rants and memories that I wont ever forget.  Moments of pure happiness and joy that I never know when will I ever have them again.  And what makes it even harder on me, is that I can't let them go .. I can't accept the fact that they have ended ... I just .. can't bear that!!

The last two weeks I had an elective course with Dr."S.W" who happens to be a pulmonologist, which is a sub-speciality in medicine.  Those two weeks were the most amazing, beneficial, happiest, refreshing, satisfying, spontaneous and heart warming two weeks I've ever had in my entire career .. no .. in MY ENTIRE LIFE !!!! TWO WEEKS IN HEAVEN if I may say!

I never thought when I wrote down Dr."S.W's" name on the elective paper that I was actually writing the beginning of a life journey .. a breaking point to be more accurate.  All what I had in mind that the elective course must be light an easy with no pressures and the doctor is a sweet kind one who'll be teaching us medicine all the way.  Guess what? I had all that .. plus MORE!!

For the first time during the past five years in medical school I feel like I strongly belong to this .. this is my thing .. this is exactly what I wanna be .. I want to learn because "I" want to .. I don't mind staying up late just to study a topic or two or to prepare for a presentation because I am deeply enjoying doing that!

I also gained new friends.  Wonderful friends whom I looked and still looking forward to meet everyday to brighten up my day whenever I see their faces.  We did everything together and for each other.  We were honest, supporting, encouraging, never selfish and handled things professionally without making that getting in the way of our friendship. although they were only two weeks, but I warmed up to them .. no .. I LOVED them!  They are true friends that any one would be lucky to have them around. and for that, I'll always be grateful to God for having "trapped" and "W" in my life and of course all my other friends. =) XOXO

I'm also happy that I made friends with the resident and the two interns who were with us.  They were so kind to us and treated us like their own lil sisters.  They were excellent ma sha'a Allah and very efficient, cooperative and caring.  One of them just sent me a message today saying in it:

"plz pass it to your friends, coz ma 3endy argamkom.. kefakom banat :)
wallahe we had a good time with you ! and you were excellent ma sha'a allah :)
I wish you all the best, o if you need anything anytime just tell me :)
No. **********
Pager# "

isn't she the sweetest xD ❤

The specialist was also great with us.  I can almost say he is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to pulmonolgy.  He taught us many things and never ignored us.  And the last words he had spoken of to us were his personal opinion.  Those words were the nicest and the most encouraging thing I've ever heard since ever.

Finally, the consultant Dr. "S.W".  To me and in my humble opinion he is one of the greatest doctors I've ever met in my entire life!  I'm not gonna deny how scary I was of him in the first few days, but then all that disappeared when I got him right.
"he has it all .. morals .. knowledge .. professionalism!"
A truly great - if not the greatest ever - doctor!  Although he's a consultant, but he has a humorous sarcastic spirit and in the same time a sense of sanity and equity that forces you to respect him no matter what.  He cares about every body specially the patients and the students.  I'll never forget how he took us in his welcoming arms and made sure we were there with him wherever he went. How he made sure we get the information properly even if that means he has to come out during a procedure to explain what's been happening there.  How honest and straightforward he was in criticizing our performance and how kind and down to earth when he was doing that.  I'll always be inspired by him when it comes to work and responsibility.  It was very obvious that he puts all his heart in his work and how much he tries to be fair with every body.

I'll never forget the rounds and the clinic with him and the funny things he used to do and say..
I'll never forget the day we had that session with him n how much we benefited from it..
I'll never forget the day we had our presentations with him..
I'll never forget the soft way he treats his patients with..
I'll never forget the high levels of morals he treats everybody with..
I'll never forget his advices and the tips he told us about..
I'll never forget how he used to joke with us..
I'll never forget the small things I had with him..

when he asked me about Arabic series and how I answered him and what he recommended me to watch next year..
when he asked me about my name and how hardly he tried to think of someone he knows that could be a relative of mine..
how he was impressed by the way I speak English..
and the fact that he is the first doctor who remembered my name perfectly whenever he saw me..
and few other things that I think would be lame and silly mentioning them here. ! ^^''

I really enjoyed and benefited every single day with him!  May Allah bliss him and the others and reward them with highest rewards. Amen! =)

I sincerely ask god to help me not to forget those 2 weeks for they have showed me how much I can achieve .. I can be .. and I can do without losing ME .. the real ME!!  And the bunch of wonderful people I've met whom I already have created a spot for them in my heart for they have redeemed the unsatisfying thoughts I had of my self.

finally .. I must confess, as much as I love happy moments I hate what comes after they pass by. because living moments of pure joy &  happiness is everybody's wish.  And when they come, no one would ever wish to end.  And that what makes me sad and breaks my heart. Let along having DAYS of those moments .. my misery will double BIG times!!
That's why I couldn't hold my self together the last week.   I was crying almost every single night. I even couldn't hold my self the last day and broke down in front of "trapped"!!  :')

I know there is a great deal of sentiments here, but I assure you it's rational too. ;)
there are somethings that I've mentioned here that I don't usually -if never- do! so plz .. what happens in the closet STAYS in the closet!! lol n' that's a small request to you my college friends ;)